The exhibition of Galician-Portuguese orality is one of the actions that Ponte… nas Ondas! promotes to spread the expressions of the Galician-Portuguese cultural heritage. Since 2002, the year when the first edition was celebrated in the city of Vigo, other realizations succeeded one another for different places on the Euroregion. An initiative that try to endear the citizens of the Euroregion to those signs of the Galician-Portuguese intangible heritage placed in the voice of some people and in the bearer collectives that maintain and renew the expressions of this common heritage.

Article of 25th November 2015

O património imaterial galego-português exibe a sua excelência na GALA DO PATRIMÓNIO e na MOSTRA DA ORALIDADE GALEGO-PORTUGUESA

12th Galician-Portuguese Exhibition of Orality

On the campaign for the inscription on the Representative List of Unesco of the Galician-Portuguese...