Ponte... nas Ondas!

Galicia Communication Prize

In 2005, the Secretary General of Communication for the Xunta of Galicia chose the experience of PONTE…NAS ONDAS as the “Best initiative in the field of communication in informative media” as part of the 2005 Galicia Communication Prizes. The jury was made up of directors of print media, radio, news agencies and deans as well as members of the Administration.

“Best initiative in the field of communication in informative media”

The Association PONTE…NAS ONDAS! wanted to make part of the prize all of the educational centers that participated in this initiative from its beginning, as well as Galician and Portuguese radios who at this time formed a not important part but an indispensable part, for the development of this interscholastic radio conference. They were Rádio Ecos from Raia de Monção, Rádio Ines Negra from Melgaço, Rádio Cultural from Vilanova de Cerveira, Rádio Montealegre, Radio Municipal of Tui, Radio ECCA from Vigo, Radio Allariz, the broadcast station Escolar Casa da Cultura from Salvaterra de Miño, Galician Radio and CMHW La Reina Radial from the Cuba Center.

The promoters of this initiative consider that PONTE…NAS ONDAS! has demonstrated “the potential that an inititiative born in this part of the territory is capable of developing, taking care of its own possibilities,” becoming “innovative and pioneering”. With PONTE…NAS ONDAS! schools accomplished the “active incorporation of young people to a communication medium like radio, with a clear educational goal,” an enriched experience with the arrival of new technologies, an act which “made its initial potential larger.”