CampUSCulturae is a bet of the University of Santiago de Compostela in favour of the cultures of the world, of the cultural understanding and of the development of diversity and pluralism. To consider the importance of cultures (specially the minorities, the cultures most harassed from the dangers that affect to their continuity and their survival), is an opportunity to maintain the cultural biodiversity of the world, by offering to our language and culture the possibility of establish the process of feedback with others linguistic and cultural codes.

Ponte…nas ondas! Ponte… nas Ondas! takes part of CampUSCulturae with this European partners:

Na Feira do Livro de Bologna com CamUsCulturae

Ponte... nas ondas! mostra na Feira do Livro Infantil e Juvenil de Bologna os trabalhos...

Participamos no encontro do CampUsCulturae en Lodz

Nos dias 26 e 27 do passado mês de Julho Ponte...nas Ondas! esteve em Lodz,...

Ponte no CampUsCulturae

O campUSCulturae púxose a andar en 2011 e desde entón é posible seguir a súa actividade desde...