GRUNDTVIG – Grand Treasures

Ponte… nas Ondas! is included, thanks to the European programme Grundtvig (Lifelong Learning Programme), in Grand Treasures project. This project involves sociocultural associations from 6 countries: Poland, country in charge of the coordination of the programme and represented by Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO, from Wroclaw; Galicia, through the association Antaxurada S.L., from Santiago de Compostela; Greece, Media dell’ Arte Group, from de Ilioupoli (Athens); Kultuur aitab hingata from Pärnu, represents Estonia; the 5th partner is the association Ponte… nas Ondas! and, finally, we have the Larvian National Commission for UNESCO, from Riga, that represents Latvia.

The aim of this project is to help groups to make contact each other and to make easier the exchange of experiences between groups that are determinate with the preservation of oral tradition and with promotion of intergenerational dialogue. By understanding that Treasures are witness (people that lived stories with a special meaning or that maintain skills or knowledge), we want to divide the good practices into how to identify the stories, the collections, the preserves and to organize it and to make them reach the general public. We want to share stories of Living Treasures with the members of our local communities and promote them in other communities. We can achieve this with organized study visits, with meetings with specialists, and with testimonies, that can be treasures by themselves. At the same time, we will use the good practices that we learn with the partners in the projects in our local communities. In agreement with the personal vocation of each partner, festivals, workshops, meetings with bearers, publications, meetings of storytellers and living libraries will be promoted.

The main results expected will be the reinforcement of the relations between the associated organizations, the organization of a common file online where we will divide stories and website of the association, where we will divide the experience of this project and the good practices in the development of the conservation and divulgation of oral heritage. Another important aspect will be the awaken of the preoccupation, in the communities where the work of the associated organizations is developed, in relation to this Treasures and the recognition of their experience of permanent learning, just like the promotion of intergenerational dialogue at the local level.

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