Ponte... nas Ondas!

Ponte…nas Ondas! 1 model for the world

  • Portuguese and Galician schools are invited to celebrate this proclamation.
  • The session will be broadcast from Rabat on December 1.

The candidacy of Ponte… nas ondas! presented by Portugal and Spain to the UNESCO Register of Good Practices with the Intangible Cultural Heritage has obtained a favorable report from the evaluation body of the XVII UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee and will be registered on the 1st in Rabat.

The report highlights and values the quality of the file submitted and recognizes the work done by Ponte nas… Ondas! throughout these 27 years. For this reason, it recommends that the Committee register the model Ponte…nas ondas! in the aforementioned Register of good practices with the PCI.

This registration will be the first for Portugal and Galicia and, therefore, an example that Portugal and Spain will offer the world, a model that UNESCO will show as a benchmark of good work and good practices.

The Xunta de Galicia has already confirmed that it will launch Ponte…nas ondas! in its educational system and showed its willingness to also agree with Portugal and Spain for its implementation. The Minister of Education and Culture of Spain, Pilar Alegría, sent the Cultural and Pedagogical Association Ponte…nas ondas! (NGO accredited by UNESCO since 2015) the support of his ministry.

The Spanish ambassador to UNESCO, José Manuel Uribes (former Minister of Culture and Sports) attended the awards ceremony of the “Heritage Images” contest in Vigo, expressed his support and stressed that Ponte…nas ondas! “It’s a perfect project, in everything that has to do with the philosophy of UNESCO”.

The Galician Parliament also approved an institutional declaration of support for the registration of Ponte…nas ondas!


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