Ponte... nas Ondas!

Román Rodríguez: “The recognition of PNO! is to value what has been done and give impetus to everything that can be done”

• A Radio do Patrimonio ends its way in Santiago de Compostela with music and poetry.
• The project is part of the Xunta de Galicia’s O teu Xacobeo program.
• Luz Fandiño and Pancho Álvarez, special guests in the transmission from the Salón Noble Colegio Fonseca.
• The Regional Minister of Culture and Education, Román Rodríguez, Mayor Xosé Sánchez Bugallo and the Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela also attended.

The imminent entry of Ponte…nas Ondas! in the registry of good practices with UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage (PCI) “means the recognition of a trajectory, a work and an experience that has been developing for many years with the participation of thousands of girls, boys and teachers, and it means valuing not only everything that has been done but also giving a boost to everything that can be done”.

These are the words of the Regional Minister of Culture, Education, Professional Training and Universities, Román Rodríguez, during the broadcast of #ARadiodoPatrimonio this Friday, October 21 in Santiago de Compostela. “Ponte…nas Ondas! is a magnificent project that has been developing for a long time, and the work with the school radio is very important: the students investigate and study in a cross-sectional and fun way and learn a lot almost without realizing it” , emphasized the counselor.

The last stop on the way

The verses of the poet and activist Luz Fandiño opened this Friday the transmission of #ARadiodoPatrimonio from the Salón Nobre of the Colegio de Fonseca, next to Praza do Obradoiro. “Poetry was and is the balm for the wounds that one carries inside”, stressed the poet from Compostela.

The Cultural and Pedagogical Association Ponte…nas Ondas! broadcast its last program of the A Radio do Patrimonio project after passing through Cea, Tui and Sarria. A program that in this case had the collaboration of the students of the CEIP López Ferreiro, in charge of preparing the questions to the guests: from the mayor of the city, Xosé Sánchez Bugallo, to the Rector of the USC, also counting on musical performances such as that of Pancho Álvarez who conducted a review workshop for the string instruments that make up the Galician soundtrack.


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