Ponte... nas Ondas!

Unanimous support from the municipal groups of the Santiago City Council for the registration of the Ponte…nas ondas! in the UNESCO Register of Good Practices

• The City Council of Santiago de Compostela supports the work carried out by the Cultural and Pedagogical Association.
• The municipal agreement will be transferred to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
• PNO! adds new recognition and support shortly before it is registered in the register of good practices of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO.

“Ponte…nas ondas’ model of good practices with the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) that UNESCO will evaluate will be a recognition of an initiative born in the territory of the Euroregion Galicia-Norte de Portugal that will be a world reference for the safeguarding of the ICH, the first registration in this Register for Portugal and for Galicia”. This was signed this Thursday, October 27th, by the municipal groups of PSdeG-PSOE, PP, Compostela Aberta and BNG in the joint motion to support the candidacy of the Cultural and Pedagogical Association Ponte…nas Ondas ! to the registration of good practices with the UNESCO ICP.

The document highlights the trajectory developed by Ponte…nas ondas! throughout its 27 years and the different recognitions granted by various institutions and entities and the numerous prizes received, such as the Galicia de Comunicación, the Ondas Prize or the Lois Peña Novo Prize.

Full document of the motion to support PNO! at the City Hall of Santiago de Compostela


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